Tribunal supremo electoral de el salvador resultados
Tribunal supremo electoral de el salvador resultados

This is the first time a woman has won that position (ibid.). The mayoralty of San Salvador, the most important in the country, was won by FMLN candidate Violeta Menjívar ( Día a día 16 Mar. The last 10 mayoralties were won by various coalitions (ibid.). The results of the municipal elections, also held on 12 March 2006, are as follows: ARENA, 147 mayoralties FMLN, 52 mayoralties PCN, 3 mayoralties and PDC, 14 mayoralties ( AFP 18 Mar. The results of the elections marked an improvement for the ARENA, which had won 27 seats in 2003 the FMLN won one more seat than it did in 2003 ( El Diario de Hoy n.d.). On Saturday, 18 March 2006, the TSE confirmed that, during the legislative elections, the reigning Nationalist Republican Alliance (Alianza Republicana Nacionalista, ARENA) had won 34 seats the leftist party, the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (Frente Farabundo Martí para la liberación nacional, FMLN), 32 seats the National Conciliation Party (Partido de Conciliación national, PCN), 10 seats the Christian Democratic Party (Partido demócrata cristiano, PDC) 6 seats and the Democratic Change (Cambio Democrático, CD), 2 seats ( AFP 18 Mar. This percentage corresponds to a total of 1,997,814 voters (ibid.

tribunal supremo electoral de el salvador resultados tribunal supremo electoral de el salvador resultados

According to data published by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (Tribunal Supremo Electoral, TSE), only 52.56 per cent of the 3,801,040 Salvadorans who were eligible to vote cast ballots on Sunday, 12 March 2006 ( El Diario de Hoy n.d.). On 12 March 2006, Salvadorans went to the polls to elect 84 members to the Legislative Assembly, as well as 262 municipal councillors ( La Voz 16 Mar.

Tribunal supremo electoral de el salvador resultados